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I have always been intrigued by the power of internet connectivity. Growing up as a millennial, my generation has been constantly critiqued for the amount of internet use. This project allowed me to dive deep into research and form an opinion of my own. The topic is still controversial and heavily debated between experts.


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“We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in a giant brain."

Stephen Hawking


Hi there, I am a student at the University of Maryland and you have fallen upon my English 101 Project. A few months ago I was tasked with a semester long project consisting of a variety of papers and assignments. At the end of the semester, I have compiled all of my completed work onto a user friendly website.The countless hours of poor time management and staying up late to finish submissions have finally paid off. I hope you enjoy. As you read through my website, you will take a journey through the pros and cons of the internet and its connectivity potential. Hopefully by the end you can form your own opinion on this hotly debated issue, has the internet benefitted us as a society or not?

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